I have finally come to a decision as to what to do in regards to summer learning. Currently, we are playing each week by ear. Each day seems packed full of fun activities, outings, gardening, playing with friends, swimming and all manner of summerish activities that makes sitting down and doing schoolwork seem undesirable. At least to me. To Ry however, he has actually showed quite a bit of interest in keeping some "school" going. I've decided to have "school" a couple of times a week, just to keep his mind fresh. He is seeming to really enjoy it! Amazing! This morning, we had his workbooks out and ready to tackle, when the phone rang. I was talking to my mom for a half hour or so, and Ry came looking for me and said, "Mom, I thought we were going to do my homework!" I promptly hung up and we got to work. Hey, if he is into learning, who am I to mess with that??? It seems to be working, this refresher courses we're doing a couple of hours a week. He is doing well also, with his ADHD issues. I've done some experimenting with techniques to help him sit still, and have been pleasantly surprised with the results. Thank you Lord! All in all, this "summer learning" has given me valuable insight into what real home schooling will be like in the fall! I'm beginning to really look forward to it, without as much anxiety.
In other news, we were able to get into a local Co-op called CHEA, (Christian Home Educators Association) which meets bi-monthly for full day classes. Also included in the group are extracurricular activities and field trips. This has been an enormous answer to prayer concerning social concerns and opportunities for Ry. As the group is fairly exclusive, we were very excited to get in!
Things are coming together for our little school! I'm all ready to order my curriculum (if we EVER receive our income tax return.....a long story with equally long explanations why NOT to claim a full adoption credit refund........) and am getting excited to start our school year come fall. Ry, originally not at all sure about home schooling, has recently begun to see the advantages and seems completely happy with the decision. All in all, things have been looking up!
Mrs. Mom