Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ordinal numbers

Have you ever thought about the difficulty of grasping ordinal numbers?? I'm sure your children have come home one day from school having a complete and total grasp of position in line numbers. AKA - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... etc. Easy once you've got it, not so easy explaining the concept. 4th and up make sense. You match the number and add "th". Could someone explain how we got "First, Second and Third"?? Who came up with those?? Ry's logic is that they should be called "Oneth, Twoth, and Threeth." Makes sense to me! I think we're making progress though, concluding with...."I don't know why, just memorize them this way." There! That's education at its finest!!


Our grapes are taking FOREVER to turn into raisins due to excessive rain and dampness. Day 6 and barely shriveled. Technically, (according to GOOGLE) it should only take 4-6 days to make raisins. Guess whoever made that estimation didn't account for Noah's flood. One basic ingredient is missing for making OUR raisins -- SUN!

Overall, school is going great. Today was a challege, as Mrs. Mom was fighting Strep Throat symptoms and Sinus Infection symptoms while teaching. Too bad there are no substitute teachers available for homeschool! :)

Mrs. Mom

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