Friday, May 13, 2011

Curriculum Woes

I am currently in the throes of indecision when it comes to choosing a curriculum for our first year of home schooling. I vacillate between being sure I've got the right one to totally second-guessing everything I've read, researched and visually seen about it. Then I begin to look at other options, and pretty soon I'm over my head in new books, workbooks and supplies I didn't even know about. Mr. ADD and I attended the CHAP convention in Harrisburg yesterday. We went there about 99% sure we had a solid idea about exactly which curriculum we are going to use. We left having totally discarded that one and 100% sure about another. After arriving home, I once again found myself unsure as I further researched pros and cons to it. For those that aren't familiar with curricula, you don't want to make too many mistakes in purchasing supplies, because supplies are quite costly! To buy something, and not have it be right for your child, would be a pricey mistake. So I want to be as confident as I can be that the one we choose will work for Ry, knowing full well that I will never be completely sure of the success of the curriculum until we officially start working on it.

At the convention, we also were privileged to attend several excellent seminars. One in particular, entitled "Helping the Distractible Child" went a long way in boosting my confidence. The speaker is a mother of not just one, but two ADHD children, who have succeeded in homeschooling. In fact, they are graduated, one a teacher and the other a writer. Listening to her experience, her advice, tips and suggestions was an amazing blessing! A definite answer to prayer and further affirmation that this decision to home school is truly the Lord's leading. Her website is and offers a variety of techniques and manipulatives that she has proven has helped ADHD children succeed at learning!

What incredible resources we have at our fingertips! I'm so amazed by this huge network of home schooling information, support groups and options for success! Pray for us as we continue to discern which curriculum will best help Ry succeed!

TTFN (Ta-ta for now, for those unfamiliar with Pooh terms)
Mrs. Mom


1 comment:

  1. Good luck Laurel and Nate! I am dsure you'll do great!
