Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer learning.....should I? Or shouldn't I?

I am currently trying to decide how much or if I want to continue Ry's schooling throughout the summer months. Tomorrow, he graduates from Next Step and will we have the whole summer ahead of us. My initial gut response is HALLELUJAH! NO MORE SCHOOL! After getting that out of my system, I calm down a little and reasonably need to consider our situation. Because of ADHD, the memory retention for Ry is lower than other children. He "forgets" information more quickly. So, technically, if I want a successful year of homeschool Kindergarten, I should start next week, so that there is no learning gap. However, my dilemma is this: Ry is so very burnt out from this past year. It was hard work for him, very frustrating, very trying and emotionally exhausting. I really feel he needs a break - a chance to just be a kid. As his new teacher, I also am emotionally exhausted, tired and sick of school myself. Logically, it would seem best to take the summer off. But then, will school in the fall be more difficult and will I have to re-teach a lot of what he's already learned?? Hmm....I just am not sure what to do. Mr. ADD says NO SCHOOL! He feels that Ry should have the whole summer off. I am leaning towards either taking 2 months off and starting in August or having school/refresher classes 1-2 days a week, for just a brief time on those days. Any homeschooling moms out there want to lend a voice? Are there those who school year round? Or is it very important to have the summer off? I'd love input from those who have been there, done that! Especially if your child is ADHD also!

"Oh, bother" as Pooh would say! Decisions, decisions!
Mrs. Mom


  1. I have no experience whatsoever here, but just had a thought- maybe over the summer if you decide to do something you could try to make it really "fun" school, sneak those concepts into really fun activities... just a thought!
    Good luck!

  2. we do some math and reading everyday to keep the skills going. i want to try to supplement with some fun things i know they really enjoy!! hoping to get to the school supply store to see if there is anything there i can pick up for them for the summer, we are 4 hours away from finishing school for the year!! colleen :)
